Wall of Love (Le mur des je t'aime)
The Wall of Love, or "Le mur des je t'aime" as it's known in French, is a mural located in the romantic garden square of Jehan Rictus, in the Montmartre district of Paris, France. This unique monument to love was created by two artists, Frédéric Baron and Claire Kito, and was unveiled on October 22, 2000.
The idea for the wall was conceived by Baron, who began collecting the phrase "I love you" in various languages from people he met and books he read. He then enlisted the help of Kito, a calligrapher, to write the phrases in their unique scripts. The wall is composed of 612 enamelled lava tiles, on which "I love you" is written more than 311 times in 250 languages, including all the UN recognized languages.
The wall measures 40 square meters and is arranged in a grid-like formation. It's organized in such a way that each tile showcases a different language, making it a true global representation of love. The use of lava tiles gives the wall a blue-gray appearance which contrasts beautifully with the white script of the words.
Splashes of red in the form of broken hearts are scattered throughout the mural. These represent the human heart which is often broken by love but is still capable of piecing itself together again. The wall is not enclosed and is accessible to all, making it a popular meeting spot for lovers and a must-see for tourists.
The surrounding Jehan Rictus Square provides a tranquil setting with its lush greenery and park benches. The square itself is named after a French poet known for his works on love, adding another layer of romantic significance to the location.
The Wall of Love is not just an artistic masterpiece but also a testament to the universal language of love. It encapsulates the idea that despite our many differences, the ability to love is something that unites us all. Regardless of language, culture, or location, love is a shared human experience, and the Wall of Love in Paris stands as a beautiful reminder of that truth.